Bar do Juca is a traditional bar in the city of Mogi Mirim, in the interior of São Paulo, with more than 30 years of history. The bar’s history has always been closely linked to music, as Juca himself is a fan of the viola caipira and the bar’s regulars and friends used to take their guitars to play at the bar on Sunday lunches, accompanied by lots of beer and barbecue.
Around 2010, Juca’s son, Júlio, started taking care of the bar and expanded its musical culture to the hardcore scene in which he participated since he was young, bringing several bands with Coletivo Insurgência Ativa. At that time, as a vegan, Júlio discovered his passion for gastronomy and always brought it to the bar with snacks and other foods. After specializing in making hamburgers, the bar incorporated gastronomy into its culture.